When Charity Becomes Toxic – Let’s Talk Foster Care, Homelessness and Sex Work. - Chase Your Fears
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When Charity Becomes Toxic 
Let's Talk Foster Care, Homelessness and Sex Work.

Hi Brave friend! Welcome to episode #2 of Chase Your Fears Talks. This week’s episode is on a topic I really care about. but before I begin I wanna give you a heads up. This conversation is not suitable for younger audiences. There is some cursing ahead and the topic is for adults only so listen at your discretion.

Ok now that you’ve been warned let’s begin.

Have you ever wanted to help at risk populations?

Maybe you have a passion for children so you feel like volunteering at an orphanage is something you wanna do. Or you notice there’s a lot of homelessness in your community and you want to make an impact. If there is something you wanna make a stand for and you don’t know where to begin this is a good place to start.

My guest today is a local friend. Her name is Elisabeth and she is a social worker here in Budapest. She is very known locally because she has a tendency to step in and help when others look away. She’s made it her life purpose to work with at risk populations like foster youth, homeless people and prostitutes and today I’m having a deep conversation with her to learn more about her journey.

 "Helping is not about those who provide the help but about those who get the help" #Chaseyourfearspodcast 

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My goal is to give you a deep perspective into a world you may not be familiar with. To challenge your current beliefs and to invite you to join our talks on this topic.

If at any point you’re listening to this pod and you find yourself getting angry or disagreeing with something we’re saying. I want you to take to social media and share your experience using the #chaseyourfearspodcast you can even DM on Instagram and let me know you wanna go live together to talk about this.

 I know this is a hot topic that will probably anger some of you. And I want to welcome your experience, journey and ideas. If this sparks a conversation, I will feel like I did my job. We’re all here to grow. So listen to this chat with an open mind and I know there will be things we can all learn from.

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Like how to step in and help in our community and how to make sure our own biases don’t affect the impact we’re trying to make in the word.

I truly hope you enjoy this call as much as I did. Let’s get started!

About the Author Dayhanna Acosta

Dayhanna Acosta is an energetic communication expert, a powerful speaker, and a dynamic educator who helps nonprofit and mid-size businesses scale and reach their target audience. Dayhanna is an award-winning entrepreneur. She was recently selected from a pool of thousands of entrepreneurs as one of the 20 On the Rise Small Business Experts with the Rising Tide Society. Acosta’s clients and students say she can turn mundane, geeky topics into something relevant that people can get excited about! Her company Chase Your Fears manages the marketing and P.R departments of U.S based nonprofit and mid-size businesses. Her team has extensive experience in Marketing, sales, P.R, media, and communications. Dayhanna was born in Colombia and she is proud of her Latina identity. She's obsessed with traveling, dancing, veggies, and puppies!

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